27 March 2007

Tilton's Treasure

"UAL CEO Paid $39.7M in 2006"

Good morning fellow former/current United Airlines employees! Have you had your slap in the face yet? If not and you're not feeling like some piece of crap stuck in the tread of someone's boot yet today, take a look at the news about Glenn Tilton's compensation for last year.

Sure, a lot of it is stock and other stuff you can't exactly withdraw from an ATM. But the base salary ($687,083) seems to be sufficient to me. It should be enough for a very comfortable life.

If UA can afford to shower Tilton with an excess of stock option riches, it can afford to pay back the rest of us for what we lost in the ESOP debacle.


22 March 2007

Somebody Shut Him Up

Would someone please save this country from more needless embarrassment and shut Oklahoma Senator Inhofe the hell up? *big sigh* Once again I feel fortunate to find myself surrounded by people whose ancestors crawled out of the slime a few million years ahead of the others.

We recently saw An Inconvenient Truth for the first time. I was prepared to be absolutely floored. But it didn't happen. Why? Because it isn't news if you've been paying attention. And I've been paying attention to scientific information about everything from evaporating lakes to studies on polar ice for a long time and it all makes sense.

Since in today's world it takes a celebrity to get the public to listen to just about anything, I'm very pleased that private citizen Al Gore has been so effective in spreading the word.

I watched one of Inhofe's presentations online and I can say that he is one of the rudest and most ignorant elected representatives this country has. Is that the best that Oklahoma can do? Nobody seems to argue now that the cause of the dust bowl disaster of the 1930's was "inappropriate farming methods." Get it? *another sigh* I'm sure there are people who will argue that fact too.

My frustration with the term "global warming" is that it's become something people must choose to believe in or not. Forget about that term for a minute and tell me if it makes sense to stop polluting our atmosphere. Does it make sense to do everything we can to preserve and protect our planet? Hey, how does a LOWER ENERGY BILL sound?

It was such a pleasure watching Al Gore on TV tonight speaking to the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Ah, the sound of an intelligent man speaking. That's something we've been missing enough of for what seems like a decade. What a contrast with that mottle-faced, sassy, self-righteous and misinformed Imhofe.

02 March 2007

Two Shakes

I don't like portable carnivals. But even if someone could convince me that those traveling spin and puke rides were safe I still wouldn't go because I don't like being hollered at either.

On the other hand, it would be a fun place to take photos especially if something went wrong. Ew.
The earthquake that hit at 8:40PM last night was the second in only a week or so and I felt both of them.
Until last week I'd wondered what it was like to be in the car during an earthquake. But while stopped, waiting for a light with absolutely no traffic moving, my car did a bump and shimmy that seemed impossible even if a big truck had been passing. I found out 10 minutes later that an earthquake had hit and BART trains stopped for a diagnostic.
Last night I had the above photo displayed in my photo editor when things started jumping around. Each one feels unique in how it bumps, jumps, shakes, rocks, twists and in how it's transmittted. Waves can preceed shaking. Waving and shaking can preceed peeing your pants.
I'm dry!