02 March 2007

Two Shakes

I don't like portable carnivals. But even if someone could convince me that those traveling spin and puke rides were safe I still wouldn't go because I don't like being hollered at either.

On the other hand, it would be a fun place to take photos especially if something went wrong. Ew.
The earthquake that hit at 8:40PM last night was the second in only a week or so and I felt both of them.
Until last week I'd wondered what it was like to be in the car during an earthquake. But while stopped, waiting for a light with absolutely no traffic moving, my car did a bump and shimmy that seemed impossible even if a big truck had been passing. I found out 10 minutes later that an earthquake had hit and BART trains stopped for a diagnostic.
Last night I had the above photo displayed in my photo editor when things started jumping around. Each one feels unique in how it bumps, jumps, shakes, rocks, twists and in how it's transmittted. Waves can preceed shaking. Waving and shaking can preceed peeing your pants.
I'm dry!

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