08 March 2006

Up But Not Running

Wouldn't you know, just when I begin writing my first entry, my cat, Pewter, takes a big stinky dump in the litter box. His are abnormally awful and I'm working with the vet to see what can be done about it.

Just like with people, the pretty ones have all the problems. My other cat, Cootie, is just a normal black cat. He never pukes, his poops are normal and he'll probably live to be 40.

Pewter, on the other hand, is a gorgeous silver tabby and people always gush on him when they see him. I think "yeah, he's pretty, but he has problems."

He's supposed to be making solid stools that stink less since switching to the expensive prescription cat food. So far, it's not working. The dump I just dumped wasn't even formed. They're getting worse. I'm not about to quadruple my cat food expense for these kinds of results. It looks like we'll be visiting the vet again.

When we got home from the last visit, we had to deal with a new issue at home. Cootie, his lifetime friend and constant companion, smelled "pet hospital" on Pewter and wanted nothing to do with him. He'd hiss and swat - a behavior I've never witnessed except when asserting himself with Brad. After a couple of days he calmed down but for a while I was on edge never knowing if I was about to be caught in the middle of a cat fight.

So once again the cat does something annoying but loveable. This time doing what comes naturally in the next room and then running away, downstairs, as fast as possible without covering it up. Why, oh why, didn't I teach them to do it in the toilet? I can't count the number of times I've just settled down in a hot bath when suddenly that smell permeates the air. Or there's the mad dash upstairs during dinner when my ultrasonic hearing detects digging in the cat box and guests are present. Or not.

It's just too late at night to try and get this blog up and running. I thought this would be totally simple and now it appears I'll have to learn some new tricks in order to make it work right. It's too bad I don't have a spare 4th grader handy to answer my technical questions.

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