29 August 2006

Bad Movies, Bad Gas, Hair and Brunch

No word about or from Joey. I had Brad call Tomo tonight and see if he could pump the receptionist for information. All she told him was that Joey is "no longer cutting hair." Crap. So I'm one step closer to writing to Joe Ducey at channel 4 to see what HE plans to do.

Dad called the other night. My heart stopped beating for a few seconds and then caught up really fast because he never calls any more. But he was just letting me know that his computer was sick again and was going out for repair. How inconvenient! We'll have to actually resort to writing or calling if we want to communicate. I don't even know how I would go about writing a letter the old fashioned way. Certainly I wouldn't use a pen and paper.

Sunday was one of the most miserable days in recent memory. I haven't felt well since returning from the road trip. My foot pain (plantar fasciitis) is back and just killing me. I had to take constant pain meds to get through the trip but I stopped when we got home. And I feel excessively tired too. I'm like a junkie when I travel. I wash Vicodin down with gallons of Dr. Pepper and the combination seems to keep me going.

Anyhow, Sunday I felt like crap but had to spiff up a bit to celebrate a birthday with friends.

I was so swolen that I couldn't wear the shirt I picked out and had to find another. And I made the mistake of wearing briefs that were one size too small. I just wasn't thinking. And of course brunch was a buffet and I was determined to get my money's worth. Ugh. I thought I would explode. And the nice shoes I wore felt like bricks. I spent the day walking like Robbie the Robot but with a giant swolen gut.

Then we went to see a movie. In retrospect we made the 2nd best choice available. Idlewild. The SFGate little man, I read later, was merely in his seat at attention. We could have gone to see Little Miss Sunshine for which the little man is out of his seat clapping. But who knew. We didn't anticipate going to a movie or I would have done some research. The rest of the 75 movies playing at the megagargantuaplex in Dublin were pure crap. Idlewild had redeeming elements and wasn't that bad, but was, overall, a thumbs down in my humble opinion.

I'm ashamed of myself. I don't go to as many movies as I should and the ones I DO go to are really, really bad. Prior to Sunday, we saw The Devil Wears Prada on July 23rd. Yup, my birthday. At least the theater was cool. It was 115 degrees outside so I guess the $10.50 for 2 hours of comfort was kinda sorta worth it in a way. (But it sure was stupid.)

And folks, prior to July 23rd 2006 the previous movie I went out to see was July 23rd 2005. Brace yourselves. The choice was Willie Wonka or War of the Worlds with that homely twit who, in my physician's words, sucks the life out of every movie he's in, Tom Cruise. I chose War of the Worlds. And what a piece of crap THAT was. I think it was released on DVD that same afternoon and long forgotten by the next day.

How many days hath August? I never learned that 19th century ditty. Oh good. I have a couple more days to get my car smogged. What a racket that is.

And as I ramble to a close, tonight I go to bed angry, once again, about the GM conspiracy to eliminate all electric trolleys in America and replace them with filthy, gas guzzling exhaust belching busses. Yes, that's old news but it was such a horrendous crime against nature and a filthy backroom political deal that I think GM should be forced somehow to bring trolleys back to every city they screwed with their bus deal.

No, I'm not hallucinating. I've heard about this before but tonight an episode of History Detectives on PBS brought the subject up again. http://www.pbs.org/opb/historydetectives/investigations/410_electric_car.html

There. Almost every day I think to myself that the world is really screwed up. We're doomed. And I don't know where to go for a good haircut. I'm tempted to just get out the Wahl clippers and cut it all off except that I doubt it would make me feel any better.

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