12 September 2006

Mystery: SOLVED

Last Saturday I decided I had to have a haircut and just let my car take me to Alameda since I'm more comfortable there than in San Leandro.

Anyhow, even though I wanted to save money and find a cheap but good haircut somewhere, I decided to go back to Tomo and get a haircut from whomever was available. It didn't matter. I called first and got an appointment with someone whose name I could not understand.

When I arrived, early, I was told that "____" was running late, which was fine with me, but I wanted to know who "____" was so I asked the receptionist to say and then spell the name.

"J a f e t."

Who? I've been going there for years and had never heard that name before. It didn't matter. I was just glad that it was a "he" because I've had bad luck with haircuts from "shes."

It never dawned on me that they'd hired someone to take Joey's space. But that's who Jafet was; his replacement. Things were working out.

I'm still a little concerned about his haircut but he gets big bonus points for:
1- NOT using the electric clippers
2- Having very specific opinions about his style
3- Giving a nice shampoo afterwards

Unfortunately he loses points because:
1- He continually sprayed my head with a bottle that spit more than it sprayed and the water was cold. The collar and back of my shirt (a polo) was drenched by the time I left.
2- My head was so wet with water and gel that I looked like I'd just gotten out of the shower when I left the shop. I don't do my hair like that.

But that's okay because it was his first time. I let new stylists do their thing at first and then let them know what MY specific opinions are all about later.

One of the reasons I told myself it was okay to go back to Tomo was I figured I could get more information about what happened to Joey. And I did.

Jafet told me Joey said he was "over" cutting hair and handed me one of his new business cards. It was one of those ceramics places at the former Southshore Center when you paint and fire your own mugs and stuff.

So the mystery is solved. And now I'm just annoyed. And hurt. Everyone once in a while in life I think I'm worth more than how I'm treated and I really thought I was a decent client and friend. Maybe I wasn't. Maybe it was all about exchanging money for service and nothing more. Boy do I feel stupid. Really foolish.

Joey, good luck with your new business. I thought very highly of your service.

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