25 July 2006

An Inconvenient Heat Wave

The heat..the heat. It was fun at first, then it got ridiculously hot and has stayed hot. I haven't ever felt heat like this here in California. I wonder what the cats are thinking when they're stretched out downstairs on the floor like a sweater that's been laid out to dry. There are things I'd like to do but can't stand the profuse sweating. So I just sit quietly.

Last night the fog came in and the outside temperature dropped to around 60°. It felt great downstairs but the upstairs bedrooms stayed hot. There wasn't enough of a breeze to clear out the hot air. The fan didn't do much. It was still 75° inside when I woke up this morning at 7AM.

And now it's hot again. But the all time worst heat I've ever felt was on my birthday, last Sunday, when we left San Leandro at 2PM to go to Baker's Square in Pleasanton for lunch and a piece of banana cream pie. It was an unbearable 95° here but the temperature continued to rise as we got closer to the restaurant until it hit an unbelievable 115°. Un-be-lieve-able.

The restaurant was very comfortable. The pie was good. I'd been craving it for a long time. But when we walked outside it was like a blast furnace and this time I mean that as a literal analogy and not just an exaggerated description. As we drove home I kept thinking about that Twilight Zone episode where the world is being consumed by heat. Yikes. What a way to go.

The heat made me cranky but so did the fact that I spent $10.50 to see The Devil Wears Prada. That's a high price just to get some relief from the heat. I wanted to see An Inconvenient Truth but wasn't assertive enough to make that happen. At least that would have been more appropriate.

Somehow I came across an article about a U.S. Senator from Oklahoma who is still denying the whole global warming thing. Senator Jim Inhofe (R) ((of course)). He refutes every bit of evidence and says it's a mass conspiracy. What an idiot. He won't even concede that (even if it's a hoax) things like better gas mileage, alternative energy, cleaner air and lower emissions are a good thing and something we need to do.

See: http://www.tulsaworld.com/NewsStory.asp?ID=060722_Ne_A1_Heatw72040

My brother ended up in Oklahoma a few years ago. I was very distressed by that. He doesn't like it there and I hope he can leave A.S.A.P.. But until then, I hope he has the good sense to vote this guy out of office! Oh, dear Lord, I hope he doesn't support this idiot!!!

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