08 November 2006

It Feels a Little Funny Being Jim Webb

When I was a kid, I imagined being so famous that I would be on all the talk shows. I couldn't ever come up with a fantasy reason for being famous but that didn't stop me.

I don't want to say that I've given up on that because I really, truly still want to do something in life to make a big difference. I want to be a household name. But I want to be respected, of course. I don't want to be infamous, just famous.

So I'm a little miffed that James Webb has taken my name and made history with it. Don't get me wrong. I'm really, really proud of him. He is a well-respected man and I thrilled with his win in Virginia. But he just made it a little harder for me to achieve my goal!

I will always be known as the other, other, Jim Webb since there was already a famous songwriter named Jimmy Webb. There is only one defining difference, something my dad thought of when I was named. I am really Jim. I'm not James or Jimmy or anything else. My legal first name is Jim.

Lately I've been thinking about all the people I've ever known. Well, not literally. What I mean is that if even for just a second, it's kind of nice that there's a good chance that when they've heard about Jim Webb of Virginia, they've given a thought to me.


Anonymous said...

Funny you should say that Jim, because I remember when I heard about that election, I laughed to myself and wondered how many times people were going to say to you that they hadn't even realized that you were running!

Jim Webb said...

I've heard from a few people but not many. There's only one person from high school that I still keep in touch with.

It does kind of irritate me because I thought, 30 years ago, that my life was going to go in another direction entirely. And if it had, HE would have had to use his middle name. OH WELL!!