08 November 2006

A Refreshing Change

Now if we could only go two more years without having to see or hear George Bush (either of them) speak. (Add Barbara to the list too.)

Waking up to today's political news was like having an extra birthday or Christmas coming early. All I hoped for was a proper balance of power in Washington but what we got was a tsunami of change that swept across the whole country. It's a good sign.

Growing up, I heard a lot about "blind faith" in church and was taught that it's each person's responsibility to study the scriptures, pray and develop their own personal relationship with the Lord. And doesn't this also apply to our government and society as well? I feel sorry for all the people who believe everything they've been told. They are ignorant.

I heard a little 12 year-old girl from Idaho on the radio the other day claim that Democrats are immoral and Republicans are blessed by God. Gee. I wonder where she heard that. Her mom got on the phone and said she came to that conclusion all by herself. Right. The poor girl will have some adjusting to do if she ever plans on leaving home or having friends from other countries, religions or backgrounds.

When I left utah in 1986, I was full of ambition and looking forward to a new life in California without dealing with snow and ice in winter and naturalizing myself among the people I'd found so interesting and stimulating in previous visits. An opportunity came and I took it.

Even though life took some very unexpected turns, I don't regret making the move.

What my friends, neighbors and associates don't understand, lately, is how people across this country can be so blind to what's really going on in America. I think parts of this year's campaign made it abundantly clear that entire groups of people have been blinded by their faith in leaders that only wanted the power of their numbers. I feel bad for those people. They were used.

Personally, I think that hearings on impeachment should begin on Monday. Crimes have been committed against this country. We are still dangerous close to a fascist regime, fueled by the passionate throngs of the blind faithful who eat what they're fed and believe what they're told.

The priority must be to take over leadership of the country, though, and try to get things under control. I can understand not wanting to cause more problems by "getting even," as I heard impeachment referred to today. The rest of the world already seems to know what's been happening here. It's vital all Americans know too.

I'm still very worried about the future of this country but yesterday was a refreshing change.

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