04 May 2006

This Won't Play Well in Peoria

Originally uploaded by Miss Makita Drill.
The big marches and demonstrations are over for now. The effects they had, besides the immediate and measureable ones, will be known in time. I was busy at home that day so it didn't impact my life in the slightest. But come to think of it, I didn't hear the usual sound of leaf blowers cutting through the morning calm. Does that count?

There were news reports, photos, opinions, editorials, comments, video and audio. And then it was over. So what happened? A whole lot of people got together, this time waving American flags instead of Mexican flags, and made a clear and deliberate point that our laws need to change.

What good is a demonstration en masse if you end up turning the people who you want support from against you instead? This "backlash" is something that was quickly learned during the dress rehearsals for the May 1st rallys. The country was aghast by the display of Mexican flags. The old expression, "This won't play well in Peoria" certainly applied then as it does to this photo.

Americans tend to love their laws and know that the rule of law is the cement that keeps our loose bricks from falling down.

I'm nowhere near Peoria but my heart is in the vicinity. The situation is a certified, complicated mess and scenes like this will not be useful in finding a solution that can be supported by the majority of U.S. citizens and many immigrants as well.

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